The UK’s employee ownership sector has a combined turnover of between £30-40bn annually. Research shows that the sector is growing rapidly, that it outperformed the conventional business sector during the economic downturn and demonstrates exceptional levels of employee engagement, productivity and standards of governance.
The growing size of the sector and its productivity and corporate governance record make it relevant and topical to evaluate the scope for increasing its impact on both and the wider economy.
Inquiry format
Evidence will be gathered through a series of 7 panel hearings with an independent, business-led panel of experts from business, finance, law, accounting and management, who are not currently close to employee ownership. Find out more about the panel and evidence gathering.
There will also be a call for written evidence that runs concurrently with the hearings.
The oral and written evidence will be gathered from industry experts, advisers and employee owned business leaders.
The Panel’s findings, conclusions and recommendations will be agreed in the Autumn and a final report that outlines in full the potential of employee ownership and its contribution to UK productivity growth and corporate behaviour will be published.
Steering group
The independent business-led Inquiry – led by the EOA, in partnership with the eaga Trust and the UK’s largest employee-owned business the John Lewis Partnership – is supported by Cass and Manchester Business Schools and is chaired by Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted.
Pictured are Deb Oxley CEO of the EOA, Richard Marr Chief Operating Officer of The eaga Trust, Inquiry Chair Baroness Sharon Bowles and Simon Fowler, Director of Communications of the John Lewis Partnership.